Ärztinnen und Ärzte für eine gesunde Umwelt

ISDE Austria

The Austrian Doctors for a Healthy Environment (AeGU) were established in 1989.
In 1990 together with organisations from Italy, Germany, and Switzerland we founded an international umbrella organisation: 
International Society Doctors for the Environment (ISDE)

More details on our goals and activities in English therefore can be found at the ISDE webpage while the Austrian webpage is maintained in German only. You do find lists of topic-wise links at our webpage and one list is also mainly in English.

For contacts and further information concerning ISDE Austria please don't hesitate to contact us.


As doctors we not only strive to motivate our patients to lead a healthy life. 

We also feel responsible for a health promoting environment


  • ISDE Austria organised a workshop on phthalates at the "Healthy Planet Forum" of the Budapest ministerial conference in 2004. The workshop report is in English and can be viewed (as pdf)
  • In 2005 we hosted the ISDE General Assembly. The scientific reports of this meeting are in English.
  • ISDE Austria organised a CEHAPE Best Practice Award for the IMR in Vienna (June 13-15, 2007). The descriptions of the 15 winning projects are in English.

ÄrztInnen für eine gesunde Umwelt (ISDE Austria) have been quite active again in 2007. Highlights of the year were the Vienna meetings clustered around the Environment and Health Ministerial Meeting in Vienna in June: The NGO conference, the Best Practice Award, and the INCHES scientific conference that all were co-organised by us.

The children's environmental health was the key topic of all these international events. Also on national level this topic was on top of our activities including substantial input to the Austrian Children's Environment & Health Action Plan (CEHAP) and the publishing of a brochure ('Kinder-Umwelt & Gesundheit'; 88 pages, EUR 5.- plus mailing costs).

Air pollution, Climate Change, Electromagnetic Fields and international Co-operation were the other main aspects of our last year's work. In a quarterly journal (in German, former 'Oekobiotikum', now 'medi.um') these and many other stories related to environmental health were covered. Further more we highlighted these issues in several statements, presentations, press releases an at a workshop on electromagnetic fields in Vienna ('Elektromagnetische Felder in Innenräumen', the workshop-proceedings as a booklet in German are available upon request).


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